
Blue Heart Blessed

45.  Blue Heart Blessed
by Susan Meissner
Christian Fiction
City Library

Have you ever been so very very hungry, and then you eat what seems like the most fabulous meal of all time?  And then you wonder, was it the food, or was it me?  That's how I feel about this book.  I know it's hard to imagine that a book, especially a book like this, could be exactly what I needed, but it was, and it really was one of my favorite books of the year.  Hooray for Blue Heart Blessed!  A sweet story of second chances, what it really means to love, and the reality of hope!


(Meissner employs a really cute journal-writing technique, which is where many of these quotes come from.)

I would imagine coming out from under bitterness might take awhile.  Like losing a few pounds compares with getting a haircut.  Both make you look different but one takes a lot longer than the other.

It actually feels good to be sitting here and not cataloging my woes or ticking off my grocery list of things I want.
It feels really good to jus sit and be silent
I close my eyes and let the stillness fill me.

“Everything you hunger for, you’ve already been given,” he continues.  “You’re already loved beyond your wildest dreams.  You are wearing the ruby slippers, Daisy.  They’ve been on your feet the whole time.”

I don’t know that I’ve ever really considered that it’s the love I give away -- not the love I receive -- that truly defines me.  I’m still not quite sure what to make of it.

I told Max about it and that I’m worried it won’t work, and he just said it’s not cool to kill your chickens before they’ve hatched.  I asked him, “What the heck does that mean?”  He said “Don’t make reservations for the worst-case scenario.”  

when your greatest desire is to offer love, not collect it

Dear Daisy,
The Voice of Reason cannot fully know what faith alone reveals, but I have to say I am reminded of that line from the movie Les Miserables.  You know, that one you like so much:
“To love another person is to see the face of God.”
Enjoy the view.

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