
Walk the World's Rim

50.  Walk the World's Rim
by Betty Baker
YA Fiction
Read aloud to my 10 year old daughter as part of Sonlight's Core D.
My Library

This is the second time I've read this aloud & I loved it even more than the first time.  (The first time I spent about the first fifty pages confused about who was who.)  It has the great ability to get inside the reader's (or listener's) mind and stretch it.  It allows children, and even adults, a framework where they can struggle with themes of slavery, honor, poverty, and mission.

Favorite Quotes:
"But I know my master.  His promises are like rainbows, formed in bad weather and vanishing in a clear sky."

"You were like brothers," the woman said.
Chakoh nodded.  "We walked the rim of the world together."

"You are soft," said Esteban.
"I am not."  But he stopped rubbing his aching legs.
"You are a fat grain-fed duckling preening his feathers on the lake of Mexico."
"Nothing, little one, but beware.  Food is always used to bait traps."

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